Saturday, April 22, 2017

2017-2018 CHS Tryout Packet Information. Please read over the entire packet carefully. If there are any questions regarding the packet you can email

Centaurus Cheerleading

Policies / Contract

Cheerleading Coaches:

Caressa Bible (720) 261 0609

Tiffany Fleming (303) 859 6180

Guy Bickel (303) 999-6481


Centaurus High School Website:

Centaurus Varsity Cheerleading Website

Colorado High School Activities Association Brochure


A.             This contract has been written and adopted for the Centaurus High School Cheerleading (CHSC) Program.
B.             The purpose / program goals of CHSC is to:
a.             Promote school spirit, pride and loyalty, along with being great leaders and role models in the school and community.
b.             Promote interest in school sports / activities and perform at games.
c.              Develop responsibility, self-respect, teamwork, dedication, time management, positive values, encourage honest effort, develop strong character and strive to excel within our sport.
d.             Have fun, build lasting friendships and memories.
C.            Coaches are hired by the Boulder Valley School  District, and will be responsible for the practices and daily activities of the CHSC and are responsible for administering all disciplinary actions.              


A.             CHSC will be composed of freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors who will be selected based on tryout scores, stunting positions needed and past performance, if applicable.
B.             Members will participate for the entire term of our sports season, which is approximately ten/eleven months (based on the end date of basketball playoffs).
C.            Participation in extracurricular activities, club sports or jobs may not conflict with cheerleading responsibilities.
D.            Members must remain in good standing at school, must adhere to the athletic code of conduct, and must be passing a minimum of 25 credit hours throughout the semester, as set forth by the Boulder Valley School District policy. Academic excellence is a priority.
Academic Requirements:  CHSAA guidelines do not permit more than one F at any time during the cheer season. Failure to meet these requirements will result in ineligibility. Repeated offenses may result in possible removal from the competitive team, no Varsity letter earned for the season and possible removal from the Centaurus Cheer team.
  1. Each team shall consist of a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 25 members.                
F.             There will be team captains for the varsity and JV teams
G.            Each member must submit a completed Parental Consent/Medical Release Form signed by the candidate, and a parent or guardian during registration.
H.            Each member must have a physical exam and a medical form must be completed by the physician and turned in to the Coach before the first tryout clinic.
I.               All athletes will be required to register with BVSD in the fall before the first mandatory practice. (No registration fee is due for cheerleading.)


A.             If a member is in school all day, he/she will not be excused from practice / events. In the case of illness, the parent/guardian must notify the coach prior to the start of a game or event (including practices and fundraisers). Failure to do so will result in an UNEXCUSED absence.
B.             It is the responsibility of the member to contact a Coach to ascertain any information distributed or discussed at a missed practice.
C.            If a member is ill and misses any activity, she must be at home resting or seeking medical attention.
D.            All doctor/dental appointments should be scheduled so they do not interfere with team practices or events. If this is impossible to avoid, the absence must be pre-approved by Coach. The practice schedule is given out months in advance. Please avoid scheduling appointments during this time. The whole team is compromised when one person is missing at a practice. This is especially important during our competition season from September to February.
E.             Work, babysitting, appointments, social events, driving classes etc. must not conflict with practices, games or events. Any conflicts will be considered unexcused and result in being benched at the next game. (Parents may call the coach to discuss any major emergency scheduling conflicts.)


A.             If a member is seriously injured, which keeps her from actively participating in cheer activities, a doctor’s excuse must be submitted to the Coach, stating how long he/she expects for the injury to heal. If the injury is so severe that the member is unable to successfully complete the season, no varsity letter will be earned for that year.
B.             To resume active participation following a doctor’s excused injury, a permission form must be given to the Coach, signed by the parent/guardian and the doctor.  This is not a punishment; it is a precautionary measure to ensure the safety of the member and the whole team.
C.            Injuries do happen.  If a member is injured at a practice or event, she must inform the supervising Coach immediately.  


CHSAA rules:  If a suspected concussion occurs, athlete will be sent to see CHS athletic trainer. The Athlete must go to the doctor. Athlete must sit out a minimum of 5 days (even if a doctor states otherwise). The new procedure is in place to prevent a 2nd concussion, where most problems can occur. The new theory is "a gradual return to play", which entails a mandatory 5 day evaluation process by the CHS athletic trainer including a slow re-entry to the sport.


A.             Team members should be leaders within the school and community and set a good example at all times, in and out of uniform.   
B.             Team members should make good health and good hygiene habits a priority.                        
C.            Smoking, drinking and/or drug use are grounds for suspension or dismissal by the Coach and CHS Administration. Each member must abide by the CHS code of conduct.
D.            A member must be courteous and respectful to all teammates, the student body, coaching staff, teachers, school administration, judges & referees and other teams.                          
E.             It is the responsibility of cheerleaders to ensure a positive atmosphere at sporting events. If the crowd is being negative, the cheerleaders are to turn that around with positive cheers. If this is not effective, they should report it to a school official immediately.
F.             Team members and their families should represent the Centaurus Cheer program in a positive way. Negative comments about the squad, its members, or coaches are detrimental to the success of the program, and will not be tolerated.
G.            Social media profiles and posts should be absent of offensive language or content.
H.            Cheer is a NO BULLYING zone. Be kind and generous to your team mates at all times.

Not adhering to these character expectations could result in disciplinary action, including dismissal from the team.  Any questions / concerns should be directed to the coaching staff.

A.             Must be enrolled in five classes per semester with the equivalent of 25 units of credit.  
B.             Attend and fully participate in all scheduled sporting events, practices, meetings, mandatory fundraisers & performances, including varsity playoff games.
C.            Represent Centaurus High School by always showing good sportsmanship in and out of uniform.
D.            Have a reasonable understanding of the rules and regulations of the sports supported.
E.             Meet CHSAA and district guidelines.
F.             Make safety a priority at all times when tumbling & stunting.


A.             Attire
a.             Unless otherwise stated, athletic shorts, practice shirts, cheer shoes, hair secured away from face, NO JEWELRY. (No taping of piercings allowed - Nat'l Federation of High School Sports rule.)  No midriffs showing at any time.
B.             Attendance
 .               All practices are mandatory, unless otherwise stated.  Members must arrive on time and in appropriate attire and may not leave unless pre-approved by coach.  
a.             SUMMER cheer camps & conditioning are held two days per week, with tumbling one night per week. Attendance at these camps is important to the success and growth of the squad. Most cheers and stunting skills are taught and perfected during this time. However, family vacations, summer activities and plans are expected and highly encouraged to take place in July. Please notify coach ASAP with vacation dates, so practices can be planned accordingly.
b.             If a practice is missed, it is the responsibility of the cheerleader to contact the coach to ascertain any information given at the missed practice.
c.              Being late for practice without former approval will result in a behavior modification for the whole team
d.             Unexcused absence from a practice or event can result in being benched from the next game.  
e.             In case of illness: parent/guardian must notify the coach BEFORE practice by phone (voice mail or text is acceptable) or in person. Otherwise, the absence will be considered unexcused and will result in being benched from the next game.  
f.               If you are going to be late to a practice due to a teacher request, a note from your teacher is required. Otherwise, it will be considered unexcused resulting in being benched from the next game.
g.             Unexcused absences may result in removal from the competition squad.
C.            Safety
 .               Safety is a key element during practice.  Inappropriate behavior, which could result in an unsafe situation, will be disciplined.
a.             Proper stunting and tumbling technique will be taught during practices, with each cheerleader being responsible to follow those guidelines.
b.             Absolutely NO STUNTING is permitted, at any time, without a qualified Coach present.   (There may be an occasion when the coach is unable to attend a game.  In that event, a school administrator is qualified to supervise the cheer team and stunting IS permitted. This includes stunts that have been mastered and approved for the sideline.)

A.             Each Cheerleader is responsible for purchasing his/her own game and competition uniforms and accessories: shoes, socks, briefs, bodysuit, warm ups, pom poms, camp clothing, cheer bags, etc.  We will do fundraisers to help offset the cost of these items.
B.             Appearance in uniform should be neat and well groomed at all times. Articles which are not approved as part of the designated uniform may not be worn without prior approval by the coach and could result in disciplinary action.  No visible tattoos, large earrings, necklaces, nose rings or other body piercings are permitted in uniform or at practices.  For practice or performances, you may NOT cover piercings with tape. This is a rule set forth by the National Federation of High School Sports, and also enforced by the Colorado High School Athletic Association.
C.            Fingernails are to be trimmed so that the tips cannot be seen from behind to minimize risk for participants. No bright colored nail polish, other than red, white or blue, is permitted during competition*
*Subject to change
  1. Supports, braces, etc which are hard and unyielding or have rough edges or surfaces must be appropriately covered with tape. A participant wearing a cast is not permitted to be involved in a stunt.
E.             Uniforms, poms, megaphones, Warrior costume or other school cheerleading property may not be lent to any individuals for use in or out of school without the approval of CHS cheer coach. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.


A.             QUITTING is a voluntary action by a cheerleader who chooses not to complete the season. No varsity letter, pin, or certificate will be earned. No refunds will be given. The individual will not be eligible for the squad the following season.  An exception to this rule is if an injury or other unavoidable circumstance prevents the cheerleader from completing the season, she will be permitted to try out the following year.
B.             We will be treating the athletes as the young adults that they are and will have them put in a one week notice before quitting, just as they would in the professional world. They are obligated to finish through their final week and come to all games, scheduled practices, and team tumbling.
C.            REMOVAL of a cheerleader from the squad is at Coach’s discretion based on cheerleader adherence to CHSC contract guidelines and BVSD code of conduct, academic achievement and general behavior.  No cheerleader will be removed from the squad without a conference including the coach, school Athletic Director, the cheerleader and her parents. The individual will not be eligible for the squad at any time following this action. No refunds will be given.


A.             Violation of any CHSAA, BVSD code of conduct or CHSC policies / contract will result in benching and/or suspension.  Any member caught by authorities using tobacco, alcohol or illegal drugs will be benched for 20% of the entire eleven month season (approx. 6 games/performances), forfeit the right to letter in cheerleading for that year (at the discretion of the coach) and may be immediately removed from the competition squad.  Any member caught a second time within a cheer season will be automatically removed from the cheerleading squad, will NOT receive a varsity letter and will be ineligible to try out for the team the following year.  If a member self-reports an illegal substance incident, the suspension will be for 15% of the cheerleading season (approximately 5 games/performances), still may forfeit the right to earn a varsity letter for that season and MAY be removed from the competition squad, all at the coach’s discretion.
B.             Benching may occur for unexcused absences, improper or unsafe behavior, continued tardiness, inappropriate behavior while in uniform, or any other violation of the CHSC contract. The cheerleader will sit in the stands with the coach and cheer along with the cheer squad, and will not be permitted to wear the uniform.
C.            Suspension will occur if a member has had repeated benching penalties and will entail a minimum of two weeks without performing.  It will begin at the discretion of the coach.  The parent/guardian and school administration will be notified of the action and reason for the suspension.
D.            Inappropriate representation of CHSC on the internet, social media, “Facebook”, cell phones or general public will not be tolerated.  Violations will result in appropriate disciplinary action and possible removal from the cheer squad, at coach’s discretion.
E.             Captains will be immediately replaced if a drinking or drug use violation occurs. They may still participate, after the penalty period, as a squad member. (provided it is the first offense)


A.             A competition squad will be selected by the coaching staff before each competition.  The number of participants may vary, depending on the type of competition, squad skill level, number of available alternates, etc. The selection process will be based upon member's’ ability level, dependability, adherence to all rules and guidelines in the contract, availability, grades, overall attitude, and the team's needs based on specific stunting & gymnastics skills, i.e.: flyers, bases, spotters, standing tucks, fulls, etc.  
Like other sports, the number of athletes who can compete at a given time is controlled by specific rules.  Athletes who practice with a team do not necessarily compete in every competition.
UCA Regional & National cheer competition divisions are determined as follows:                
Small: 20 athletes (1-4 males)  
Medium: 25 athletes (4-6 males) 
Large: 21–30 athletes (6 or more males)         
Small: 12 athletes
Medium: 16 athletes
Large: 20 athletes
Super: 30 athletes
(Note: in Colorado, a rule was established that limits all spirit squads to 25 athletes per squad)

  1. Any athletes who do not compete, will be considered “alternates” and may be called upon at any given time to step in for an injured or ineligible athlete.  The alternates are still responsible for cheering all games, pep assemblies, community service projects, etc. and are still required to attend all practices, in preparation for competitions. It is also a requirement that alternates attend ALL competitions, in support of the competition squad, with the exception of “Nationals”, which is optional.
C.            Outside “conflicts” or scheduling requirements may lead to ineligibility to make the competition squad.  100% commitment is a requirement for anyone interested.
D.            Additional mandatory practices may be called during “peak” competition season, usually September through February. Family vacations should not conflict with competition practices.
E.             Tumbling/group classes are required for the varsity competition team during “peak” season.
F.             Additional costs may be necessary, due to competition fees, travel expenses, etc.
G.            A competition squad member is still fully responsible for his/her commitments to the CHS Cheer squad. All games & events must be attended.
H.             A competition squad member may be replaced, at any time, due to injury/illness, poor attitude, violations of the contract or suspensions (including drinking / drug use), unsafe behavior, unavailability at practices & events, lack of ability, etc., at the coach’s discretion.


A.             CHSC will hold several fundraisers throughout the season. Funds raised through fundraising will be deposited into everyone’s cheer account at the school to help offset the cost of cheerleading expenses. Most fundraising through CHSC is voluntary. In group fundraisers, the money will be divided amongst those cheerleaders who participated in the fundraiser. If a cheerleader does not participate, she will not receive any portion of the funds raised for that event.
B.             Some fundraising events are mandatory, and some portion of the funds raised will pay for the general expenses of the fundraiser, and the remaining proceeds will be distributed amongst the participants into their cheer accounts at the school.

A.             Appearance points are points given to cheerleaders for helping around the community, as well as helping the coaches, and the athletic staff.
B.             A total of 15 appearance points are needed to receive a varsity letter.


A.             The honor of receiving a Varsity Letter in cheerleading will be at the discretion of the cheer coach.  Letters will be earned by cheerleaders based on adherence to all the above-mentioned policies & the Boulder Valley athletic code of conduct and will be awarded following the completion of the season, which includes all football and basketball playoff & championship games if applicable. Attendance at practices, appearances, competitions and games, as well as eligibility lapses will be considered.
B.             JV members will not receive a Varsity letter unless determined by the coaches to have been earned.

The Colorado High School Activities Assn. has a rule that no performance contact may be made between coaches & team members or their families on Sundays, during our sports season, which is from the date of our first mandatory practice in August through the last day of our season.  (Exception to this rule is that Colorado spirit teams may participate at the NHSCC in Orlando in February).  
Social, academic or service related activities that are strictly voluntary are permitted on Sundays. These Sunday activities must be non-competitive and non-participatory.


A.             CHSC is adamantly committed to a cheerleading squad whose goal is excellence. To help achieve this, we participate in a summer training camp.  Superior skills, safety elements and team building exercises are learned. Attendance at this camp is strongly encouraged.
B.             The cost of attending summer camp is the responsibility of each cheerleader.                   



2.              No late arrivals or early departures from practice, unless PRE-APPROVED by Coach.  (Phone call/ texts/ email from cheerleaders or parent.)  If late due to a meeting with a teacher, you must bring a note from that teacher.

3.              If you are late or wearing the incorrect practice clothes, behavior modifications will be implemented.

4.              No cell phones. Parents should contact the coach by cell phone during practice time if it is an emergency.

5.              No food EVER on the mats.

6.              In Coach’s absence, Captains are in charge.  They are to get the same respect as Coaches.  No stunting or tumbling is allowed unless a coach is present.

7.              Must be “coachable”.  If given constructive criticism, take it like an athlete and use the advice to correct the technique.  

8.              No talking / laughing during stunting.  Safety MUST be our #1 priority.  Excessive laughing and talking causes lack of muscle strength and distraction and therefore creates an unsafe environment.  We are stunting at an elite level and must take this seriously in order to advance.  We need focus and a serious attitude when we are responsible for others safety and lives. Failure to do this will result in being removed from practice.

9.              No jewelry of any kind, including hair ties on wrists, any earrings, or body piercings of any kind.  This is a rule set forth by the National Federation of High School Sports, and highly enforced by CHSAA.

10.           Hair must be secured back away from face at all times.  Again, safety is #1 priority.  

11.           No excessively loose clothing.  Need to be able to move freely and without clothing getting in the way.

12.           If an injury occurs, tell a Coach immediately.

13.           No long fingernails. Must not be able to see nails when palm of hand is facing up.

14.           Supports / braces, etc. which are hard and unyielding or have rough edges must be appropriately covered with wrap.  No one may stunt wearing a cast.

15.           No gum chewing.

16.           Always be respectful to your coaches, captains and teammates.

17.           All in-season practices are mandatory. Unexcused absences can result in being benched at the next game, or removed from the next competition.

Centaurus Cheer Team Requirements
            Stunting: prep, extension, lib, retake, cradle
            Tumbling: Roundoff, back handspring
            Others: Good attitude, hard work ethic
            Stunting: full-up, any inversion stunts (stunts that are completely inverted), full-down
            Tumbling: Back-tuck
            Others: Previous cheer experience

Junior Varsity
            Stunting: prep, retake
            Tumbling: roundoff
            Others: good attitude, hard work ethic
            Stunting: prep, extension, retake, cradle
            Tumbling: back handspring
            Others: any cheer experience

Centaurus Cheerleading
Practice Schedule 2016-2017
Find the up-to-date schedule on our website:

Varsity/JV Combined:

Spring: (May)

If the coaches decide practice is needed in May we will notify the team and parents during the post-tryout meeting.

Summer(May 31-Aug 17) 

A summer practice schedule will be sent out after tryouts. We will practice twice a week during the summer and have the month of July off.

Fall: (Aug 22- Dec 17)

Mondays: Practice at CHS 3:30-6:00
Tuesdays: Tumbling
Wednesday's: Practice at CHS 6:30-9:00
Thursdays: Tumbling
Friday's: Games

Winter: (Jan 4 – Feb 8) 

Mondays: Practice at CHS 3:30-6:00
Tuesdays: Tumbling/ game
Wednesday's: Practice at CHS 6:30-9:00
Thursdays: Tumbling
Varsity Basketball games are Tuesday and Friday evenings
            Nationals will be discussed later in the year

Centaurus Cheerleading Teacher Recommendation Form

Name of applicant ______________________

Name of recommender______________________

Please rate the candidate on a scale of 1-5 (1-unsatisfactory 5-above average) in the following areas that we feel are important qualities we look for in a cheerleader. There will be space below to discuss anything you feel is pertinent information for our coaching staff. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact us via email Please place finished form in a sealed envelope (provided by the cheerleader) and return form to the cheerleader.
ATTENDANCE         1     2     3     4     5

PUNCTUALITY         1     2     3     4     5

POLITENESS             1     2     3     4     5

DISCIPLINE AND PERSONAL CONDUCT    1     2    3    4     5

TREATMENT OF PEERS 1     2     3     4    5

EFFORT IN SCHOOL WORK     1     2     3     4     5

DETERMINATION TO LEARN AND ACHIEVE     1     2     3     4    5



SIGNATURE__________________________________________ DATE_____________

Centaurus Cheerleading Tryout Waiver

Athlete’s Name ______________________________________
As a member of the Centaurus Cheerleading team, I understand the policies of the Centaurus Cheerleading squad.  Having been selected for the squad, I will assist in every way to see that I uphold these policies and regulations. I fully understand the requirements and commitments, and support the coaches’ decisions made surrounding these standards. If I have a question regarding these rules and regulations, I will contact the appropriate coach to discuss and clarify the situation.
I understand that failure to meet the requirements allows the coaches the alternative of releasing me from the Centaurus Cheerleading program.  I also understand that my term as a Centaurus Cheerleader begins the moment I make the team.

Athlete signature___________________________________ Date____/____/____
I, the undersigned parent/guardian, give my consent that any and all written records created, kept, maintained, and used by Centaurus High School in or in connection with the process of selecting team candidates to become members of the cheerleading squads shall remain confidential.
I understand that the activity of cheerleading, including stunting and tumbling, carries a risk of physical injury.  No matter how careful the participants and coaches are, how many spotters are used, or what surface is used, the risk cannot be eliminated.  The risk of injury includes minor injuries, such as muscle pulls, dislocation and broken bones.  The risk also includes catastrophic injuries such as paralysis or even death, from landing or falls on the back, neck or head.  I understand these risks and hereby release Centaurus High School, the members of the cheer team or its coaches and instructors from all claims arising from injuries which may be sustained by our son or daughter while attending cheerleading events including clinics, tryouts, practices, tumbling, camps, games, team activities, performances and competitions.  In signing this waiver, I accept the risk associated with the above-mentioned activities.
Cheerleading is an expensive sport with fees of approximately $1000 per season, plus any travel fees for out of state competitions. I understand my financial obligation to the Centaurus High School Cheer Squad and that it is my responsibility to pay any outstanding balance in a timely manner. I understand that late fees will be imposed at the rate of $10 per month until the balance due is paid in full or other arrangements are agreed upon. Quitting or removal from the team does not release my financial obligation, and fees are due upon leaving the program.

Parent/Guardian signature_________________________ Date____/_____/____
We carry the following health and accident insurance:
Company Name: ___________________________________________
Policy Number: ____________________________________________
List any medications / allergies
___________________________________ / ________________________________
List any previous / existing injuries or medical needs


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